
Mastering Virtual and Hybrid Sales

The pandemic has accelerated the changes that will be needed to adapt B2B sales organizations towards Virtual- and Hybrid Selling. It is all about being able to effectively handle the sales process and the customer journey in a much more digital context. This demands new skills and tools suited for this specific purpose.

According to Gartner, the transformation has just started and there are a number of challenges that must be addressed. Chief sales officers (CSO:s) must make the correct technology, talent, enablement, operational decisions and investments to ensure the function continues to deliver growth.

Key takeaways

How B2B sales must adapt to the modern buyer
What virtual and hybrid selling for B2B is all about
Things to expect from modern tools for virtual and hybrid sales
How to implement this transformation

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions or thoughts, or would like to talk about how to take your Virtual Sales to the next level.

Ricard Chramer
CEO & Founder @ Pitchflow
Lars Dahlberg
Sälj & Marknadspodden